• Welcome to Pages of our Lives Valley


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  • What We Do

    Here, we bring to you Life Essentials, vital information that will transform your life, keep you in-check & on the go.

    * For Motivations & Inspirations (Verny R.)

    Living in the moment with Verny R.


    * For Your well-being meet Lora S.

    Health tips & Nutrition


    *Having it EASY - meet Scott & Miranda


    Boys to Man


    Man's world

    Like father, like son

    Head of Homes by BIRTH..


    Girl's time


    their nature

    What is a home without a Girl child/Mother nature?


    * For Personal Growth meet Aunty Mona

    Words of wisdom from The Silver Hair


    For Real Life Experiences - meet George & Jane

    * Real Life stories -


    * Life Essentials ( In case of Emergencies)

    meet Kevin & Sara


    * A cry from the Mother's womb

    meet Amy & Clara


    * Hope for the Hopeless

    meet Naomi & Rodricho


    Common Mental & Medical Conditions

    in Human Phisiology

    meet Dorothy & Richard


    A Letter to Aunty Mona

    meet Clarida & Erwin


    Complimentary to our articles

    * For Spiritual upliftment - meet Sister Vecura

    The Word of Life


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    Pages of our lives valley

    Once again. Welcome to Pages of our Lives Valley.

    Invite friends & family for an awesome time on this breathtaking getaway at our valley. Here, we bring to you all the Life Essentials you need to know and to have as you pass through the phases of life. You may chose different catagories to learn from. All depend from you. Grab yourself some snacks. Once you get glued to your screen, you would n't even want to move an inch.

    Our team are working hard around the clock to research the best they can get access to, to make your visit here a pleasant experience.

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    Pages of our Lives Valley's Blog

    Check out some of our different catagories and articles line up for you, once you receive access to our BLOG

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    Living in the moment with Verny

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    Deal gone wrong?

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    Let go ..

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    Bad Habits

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    There is a way out, only if you dare to ...

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    No man is an iland

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    You can't give what you don't have

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    Life is a choice

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    You can only benefit from what you value

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    Law have no mercy

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    Time heals

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    Love alone, is not enough

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    What to do when an adult is shocking

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    Loose stool or running stomach with an inflamed surroundings- Tips for an Emergency case

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    All you need to know about High Blood Pressure.

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    Bladder infection / Urinary Tract Infection

    All you need to know

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    Dehydration from diarhea can be deadly/ fatal. Never to be taken light.

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    Bullying can cause Mental Illness.

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  • Health Tips & Nutritions

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