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    Donation Room

    Here we have different heartfelt stories of real people that either are willing to help others and those who need help themselves and crying out for the Good Samarithans or Donors/Donations.

    If you would like to help please submit your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Toger we can do it

    Join our donation programme today and bring healing and hope to a shattered world

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  • Indeed a Cry to a Good Samarithan

    May the hand extending help to this young man be bless and experience NO lack and enter the Book of Rememberance.

  • Left in the dark

    It was indeed an unexpected turn of events, on that fateful day. Life goes on, I am here, Pleading with a good Samarithan man to hear me out and comes to my aid in any possible way . John Paul M

  • Left in the dark

    By: John Paul M.

    My story goes as follows:

    My name is John Paul M. At the age of 23, I went out with my neighborhood friends to enjoy ourselves as young people. Some weeks earlier. I borrowed a shoe brush which were costing less than $ 0.50 back then . Prior to our outing my friend asked for it when I did not find it, I asked my sister to go buy it for me, so that I will pay him back. On this fateful day, I supposed to have given him back earlier before we went out, but I thought, I could give him later, when we come back.

    Later that day, when we came back home, we were very intoxicated and my friend ask for his brush. We misunderstood each other and ended up quarrelling. I ended up resting
    on the car's bonnet that were parked at their house, belonging to his other friends. Somehow my elbow hid the screen of the car and break it. My friend and his other two friends started brutally assulting, beating me and hiding me everywhere, even on my head and face. Eventually they left me blind for life.

    It was indeed an unexpected turn of events, on that terrible day. Other people in the street came to stop them including my sister. But then, they also harm her physically. The police were called and I reported the case. My sister also reported hers for physical attacked. From there the case went quiet, when I asked my family to follow up, they seems to be afraid to follow up and could not help me. My life came a standstill.

    My ageing father passed away and later my mother followed during Covid -19 pandemic. I was left alone without anyone to cry unto for help. Another friend of mine realizes that life was tough for me, that I was finding it difficult to cope alone, so he proposed a lady for me to get married to. The lady agreed and we got married and she took me to her home town at the region where she hailed from. She had been good to me and had been taking care of me since then. She already had 5 children and gave birth to my 3
    beautiful children, age 5, 7 and 8. Today, altogether we are a family of 10 including our 8 children.

    Life is tough in general, but I can’t complain. I should be grateful for her to have married me. Even though I have never seen her and don’t know how she look like. I can only recognize her and the children from their voices. It had been always my hope that my friends will find it in their heart to provide or contribute or donate something for me and my family, hence the have done this to me, but to no luck. We are still neighbors. They sees me and pass me by, without a word or any assistance as they know that I cannot see them.

    I have been in this position for 25 years and I am now in my mid 40’s. I have accepted my fate and life goes on and I have to move on. I do get a disability grand in my country and can never feed a family of 10 people with it, hence my wife is not working and is taking care of all of us, including her previous children.

    Fast-forward, I am humbly pleading wth a good Samaritan to help me with a maize meal grinding machine (Omahangu grinding machine) This machine is worth N$ 20,000.00 in my country. A new or a second hand, I will be thankful. It will help me a lot for my own household as well as for using it for a business, so that I can be able to take care of my children school fees and the upkeep of my family.

  • Peer Pressure at school led me to experiment DRUGS on the school premises. Where are they now? I'm left empty, lost & loney.

    It only started as a play on the school premises. Before I know it, its effects penetrated into my mental space and I became disconnected with myself. Now I can't find my sense of living. All hope is lost.

  • Empty without a sense of living

    By: Paloma K.

    My story goes as follows:

    My name is Paloma, K. I am 23 years of age . During my teenage to adolescence years under the peer pressure, I have tempered with drugs and hapley. We would mix it with others subastances. By the Grace of God, I managed to complete my Grade 11th and would like to further my studies .

    During my struggle with substances using, I haven't been an obedient child and could not agree with my parents on certain things. So my mother happened to give up on me. I am caught in a net of hopelessness, no sense of living, empty and loneliness. While, I am receiving my medical treatment on substance usage on my way to recovery, I am humbly calling on a Good Sumaritan to come to my aid. I want to be whole again and find myself once again. Picking up the peieces and live again for the saake of my little I gave birth to. At the moment she is in a primay school and need me to be there for her, in all aspects. But I am unable to. The job that I was working at with the intesion of saving up the money to that I can go to college has ended, before I could save enough for me and my littel one.

    I want to enrol at Vocational Training Center and learn a course, so that I can be financial independent and able to take care of my litte one.

    I regret having tempered with drugs and inhalants (hapley) and all other substances that we were mixing with hapley. It was all about peer pressure to taste, until we got addicted. Now things are not okay, at all. Its a battle that I need to fight and win, for myself, my little one, my family who has given up on me and those who are in the same boat as me, while the young people joining secondary schools should encourage to open their eyes and learn from me and others that are willing to share their battles.

    I thank you for your time spent reading the story of my life, a deliverance wish that is proceeding from your heart, a prayer saying in silence, a sigh for hope and those who are considering to assist financially towards my studies.
