• Welcome to

    Pages of our lives valley

    A place in the world where gladness is the nourn of the day. A place so divine, where the pressures of life cannot stand and every soul long to be. From the comfort of your own home, you can tap into Pages of our Lives Valley and connect to the same minded people as yours. People that value, appreciate life and willing to discover, explore and learn new ways of living from a different perspective. A whole new wing of fresh breeze into your world.

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  • Whao whao.... Worth every penny

    Life Essentails - Knowledge, tips, ideas profound life,experiences

    of others, research based articles to learn from,

    at your finger tips.

    Packaged just for you,

    for only $ 1.64 p/m

    Scroll down through various catagories

    to find your choice

    & enjoy the "amazing benefites".

    Learn from the best.

  • What we do

    Here, we bring to you Life Essentials, vital information that will transform your life, keep you in-check and on the go

    * For Your well-being - meet Cathy B & Lora S.

    Health Tips & Nutrition

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    You are what you eat..

    Don't forget that.

    Nutrition is important, because it helps your body function properly and can reduce the risk of diseases. It is about eating a regular, balanced diet that provides your body with the nutrients it needs. Subscribe to our Blog for more....

    Public favourite catagory.

    Here, we cover everything & anything that makes life easy,

    to keep stress & the pressure of life at bay.

    Its all about EASY LIFE

    Having it Easy - By Scott & Miranda

    Its amazing how two people can face similiar situations, one swiftly break through while the other

    one get stuck for life. Here, we learn from the "Bariers Breakers" how they are getting it right or

    having it easy, against all odds.

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    * For Motivation & Inspiration (Verny R.)

    Living in the moment with Verny R.

    You are in the driving seat of your own life

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    Boys to Man

    in the

    Man's world

    Like father, like son

    Known as Head of Homes from birth ...

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    Pages of our lives - Real life stories - By Jane & George

    Stories that you can learn from

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    Life is in pages, what you paste in your pages is what you see. Paste the best pictures, re-do it, if you have to.

    Pssst...Its your life.

    You know better what is best for you.

    Subscribe to get access to how others are going about it..

    Girl's time


    their nature

    What is a home without a Girl child/ a Mother touch?

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    Not only, were they created as helpers, but they also do add undeniable colours, beauty

    and comfort to life itself, effortlessly.

    Life Essentials

    Here, we bring to our readers the most Life Essential tips that everyone need in Case of Emergencies.

    A very rare occassion to find all that you might need, in one place.

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    Finding yourself on this page, especially on this catagory is not a coincident. Surely the universe draws you here. Now, go ahead and press that buy button above or beneath

    Every human being need to have this at hand. This is your fortunate moment.

    Hope for the Hopeless.

    If, hope can come from this place, how about from you?

    There's always hope for the hopeless. It all depends from which angle you are viewing your challenge from. On this page, we are learning from diffrent individuals who are finding hope in challenging moments, where others sees no hope.

    Subscribe today and hear it from the mouth of the horses.

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    A cry from the mother's womb

    " Indeed mothers are sacred "

    A phrase from one of our articles

    As he lay down on his bed in pain and agony, lifting his arm up and down, hoping
    for a relieve from the excruciating pain, you won’t believe Aunty Mona. I could feel a mighty whirlwind turning inside my womb. Yet, the child is no longer in my womb.

    Its a grown man, living on his own.

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    This page its all about the Meaning of Motherhood.

    Reasons why we should never takes our mother for granded, but rather give them the respect they deseve.

    A heartfelt letter to Aunty Mona

    There is healing in writing. You too can write to Aunty Mona or in your diary.

    Email: pagesofourlivesvalley@gmail.com

    Just bring it out, don't keep it inside.

    On this page we learn from the experiences of others

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    for Mental Health/Related Issues


    Common Medical Conditions

    in Human Physiogy

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    It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development.

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    The patient's needs for knowledge and understanding about their illness are of great importance for the patient's self-care and recovery process. The understanding the patient has about their illness may also be an important prerequisite for adherence and participation.

    It is worth knowing one or two things about your physiology. Knowledge placed you in the better position to take precautions or either to fight it off, or
    to seek appropriate medical treatment. Subscrtbe now to get access

    A word from the Silver Hair

    We have been there, we've done that, my child. We have walked that path of life. Now that we are old and gray, we can only guide you not to go astray. Incline your ear to the words of the elderly. They mean no harm.

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    From the mouth of the elderly, may come out bad breath,

    but the words that proceed from their mouth are life giving.

    Subscribe to get access to

    Words of Wisdom from the Silver Hair.

    The Word of Life

    Spiritual Upflitment

    Whatever, we are doing is invan, without bringing the Divine into our picture. For everything comes from Him and evertything returns to Him. All belong to Him.

    This very catagory is complimentary gift to our readers

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    * The Word of Life - By: Sister Vecura

    Welcome to PAGES OF OUR LIVES VALLEY. We are glad to have you around.

    Take a look and feel at home.

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    From the Editor''s Desk

    Verny Rukoro

    Since, you have come this far, to this page, am sure you would be interested in coming down with us to the valley of hope, healing, restoration, wisdom and treasures of life. A valley so refreshing, homey and fullfiling. Where every soul long to be and every life matter. A valley created to bring ease to all aspect of life, by providing written pages with significant meanings, through story telling and articles aiming at educating, healing, restoring, motivating, inspiring, developing and building lives. All with good intension. If you have read our articles and you have something beautifull to share with us, please do so. We will be happy to hear from you.

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    Our team of Proffessionals are on the site to assist you, in case if you need anything.

    - Maybe, if you've got a testimony to share

    - Conrtibution to make

    - Donations to the affected individuals as you are

    being touched by their various stories.

    Feel free to submit your queries.

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    Email *
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    Message *
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    Three Months Trail Package

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    Our PRO PACKAGE (starts from 6 Months)

    This ticket will give you unlimited access to Pages of our lives valley's BLOG, with no binding contract or whatsoever. Make use of your 6 months period, productively. From here you can upgrade to more months on our Premium Package as you go, as high as 12 months. The good NEWS is, you can CANCEL it at anytime.
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    Our PREMIUM PACKAGE (12 Months)

    This ticket will give you unlimited access to Pages of our lives valley's BLOG, with no binding contract or whatsoever. The good NEWS is, you can CANCEL it at anytime. Thanks for considering this package. We can't wait to have you on board with us. You are so welcome.
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