Why supplementing with

"Omega 3" ?

By: Cathy B. & Lora S.

· Health Tips and Nutrition

Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as "healthy fats", have many potential health benefits, including:

  • Heart health - Omega-3s can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering triglycerides, managing cholesterol, and regulating blood pressure. They can also improve the function of the lining of blood vessels, which helps prevent heart disease.
  • Brain health - Omega-3s can help improve learning, memory, and cognitive well-being. They can also increase blood flow in the brain.
  • Joint health - Omega-3s can help reduce joint inflammation in rheumatoid disease.
  • Skin health - Omega-3s can help regulate the skin's oil production, improve hydration, and reduce breakouts.
  • Other health benefits - Omega-3s may also help prevent and alleviate depression, asthma, migraine, and diabetes.

Some signs that you might not be getting enough

Some signs that you might not be getting enough omega-3s include: Dry or flaky skin or hair, Anxiety or depression, Joint pain, High blood pressure, and Extra belly fat.

The FDA recommends that people take NO MORE than 3 grams of DHA and EPA combined per day. High doses of omega-3s can reduce immune system function and increase bleeding time.

  • OMEGA 3 - Health Benefits of Nutrition — Omega 3 lowers blood pressure, reduces triglycerides in the blood, helps reduce joint inflammation in rheumatoid disease.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are “healthy fats” that may support your heart health. One key benefit is helping to lower your triglycerides.

Omega 3 lowers blood pressure, reduces triglycerides in the blood, helps reduce joint inflammation in rheumatoid disease, helps nourish brain and eyes functions, helps prevent and alleviate dementia, depression, asthma, migraine, and diabetes, and helps reduce the risk and preventing heart disease and ischemic stroke.

17 Science-Based Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to many health benefits. In particular, they may help promote brain and heart health, reduce inflammation, and protect against several chronic conditions.

Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important.

Omega-3 supplements may help treat and prevent depression and anxiety. EPA seems to be the most effective at reducing symptoms of depression.

DHA, a type of omega-3, is a major structural component of the retina of your eye (9Trusted Source).

An omega-3 fatty acid called DHA is a major structural component of your eyes’ retinas. It may help prevent macular degeneration, which can cause vision impairment and blindness.

Omega-3s are crucial for brain growth and development in infants.

Getting enough omega-3s during pregnancy is associated with numerous benefits for your child, including

  • better communication and social skills
  • fewer behavioral problems
  • decreased risk of developmental delay

Heart attacks and strokes are the world’s leading causes of death (16Trusted Source).

  • Triglycerides: Omega-3s can significantly reduce levels of triglycerides
  • HDL cholesterol: Some older studies suggest that omega-3s could raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels
  • HDL cholesterol: Some older studies suggest that omega-3s could raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
  • Blood clots: Omega-3s can keep blood platelets from clumping together. This helps prevent the formation of harmful blood clots, according to some older research

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity

In particular, omega-3s may help improve inattention and task completion. They might also decrease hyperactivity, impulsiveness, restlessness, and aggression .

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions.

It includes central obesity — also known as belly fat — as well as high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, and low HDL (good) cholesterol levels .

Omega-3s may have numerous benefits for people with metabolic syndrome. They could improve blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and improve several heart disease risk factors.

Inflammation is a natural response to infections and damage in your body. Therefore, it is vital for your health (44Trusted Source).

Omega-3s may reduce chronic inflammation, which can contribute to heart disease, cancer, and various other diseases.

In autoimmune diseases, your immune system mistakes healthy cells for foreign cells and starts attacking them (49Trusted Source).

Omega-3 fatty acids may help treat and prevent several autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and psoriasis.

Low omega-3 levels have been reported in people with psychiatric disorders (56Trusted Source).

People with mental disorders often have low blood levels of omega-3 fats. Improving omega-3 status seems to improve symptoms, but more studies are needed.

Many people experience a decline in brain function as they get older.

Several studies link higher omega-3 intake to decreased age-related mental decline and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease (64Trusted Source, 65Trusted Source).

11. May help prevent cancer

Omega-3 intake may decrease the risk of some types of cancer, including colon, prostate, and breast cancer. However, more research is needed.

Omega-3 intake has been associated with a lower risk of asthma in children.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver (78Trusted Source).

Omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce liver fat in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Osteoporosis and arthritis are two common disorders that affect your skeletal system.

Omega-3s may improve bone strength and joint health, but more research is needed.

Studies repeatedly suggest that people who consume the most omega-3s may have milder menstrual pain

Omega-3 fatty acids might help reduce menstrual pain. Plus, one study found that an omega-3 supplement was even be more effective than ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug.

Sleep deprivation has been linked to many diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and depression

Omega-3 fatty acids — especially DHA — may improve the length and quality of your sleep.

DHA is a structural component of your skin. It is responsible for the health of cell membranes, which make up a large part of your skin.

EPA also benefits your skin in several ways, including

  • preventing hyperkeratinization of hair follicles, which appears as the little red bumps often seen on upper arms
  • protecting against premature aging of your skin
  • reducing the risk of acne

Omega-3s can help keep your skin healthy, preventing premature aging and safeguarding against sun damage.

Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for optimal health. Getting them from whole foods — such as fatty fish two times per week — is the best way to ensure robust omega-3 intake.

However, if you don’t eat a lot of fatty fish, then you may want to consider taking an omega-3 supplement. For people deficient in omega-3, this is an affordable and effective way to improve health.