What a beautiful morning. I just woke up and went straight to open the window for a fresh air to come inside. Wow, the flowers look so beautiful, so nicely bright. Zooop.!. there goes a bee, then a colorful butterfly, followed. All looks so beautiful, lovely together
As, I stood there, starring at this breathtaking view, my phone rang suddenly. Kreeeing, kreeeing... I ran and picked it up. At first I thought it was a client, so I answered politely and professionally. Aunt Maggy Kitchen, Good morning? Then, the person on the other side answered. Good morning. I am your neighbor here, Jane. Ooh okay..
Before I said another word, she proceeded and said I think I saw someone in my yard. Don’t you want to come out and rescue me? Maybe, if the intruder sees you might, he might run away, she said. Before I even responded to her, she said I am scared.! Uuhmm...That moment I totally ran out of words.
Words just couldn't come out from my mouth. I became instantly numb. As I stood there, a "thought” came to my mind, I am a human being too, just like her. I don't have a huge body nor am I muscled, or have a weapon in my possession to help her. Even, if I had a weapon, I couldn't just grab and ran.
Imagine I am just coming from a relaxed breathtaking view, with beautiful flowers, bees and butterflies flying freely and happily all over, only to be forced to switch into a mode where I am supposed to act angry, rough, if not violent, to scare off the intruder. Turning a happy face into a terrible frightening masks, hoping to terrify the intruder so that he may flee. How can one actually do that in a split of seconds? I wondered.
I reckoned, am not good at it, at all and won’t even make a good actress either. I didn’t have a choice then to take up a different garment, changing my character, to appear fearless, strong, confident and ready for war, in no time. I had to grab a weapon or an object that I can handle with ease, lest the intruder confiscate it from me and used it against me.. At the same time, I had to put on a serious brave face, even the tone of my voice and steps should change to appear powerful, if not authoritative. What a twist of events?
Let alone after all this inner trouble of preparation to go and confront the intruder head on, I had to look for keys in haste as I needed to pass through many doors to the get to the main gate. Now getting outside the main gate, I have to look and listen carefully if I can hear footsteps, or any noise.
The real challenge there was, even if I heard footsteps, what could I have done? I asked myself. As I stood there, I wondered if I should have call my neighbor to come outside or if I should have find an entrance into her yard. Another thought came along, what if the intruder see me and come running after me? As much as I wanted to show compassion to my neighbor, wanting her to know how much I care and wanted to help, deep down I was terrified and trembling with fear, I knew that I was not really the right person to handle the situation, even though that I was the only one who were available in the neighborhood at that time.
So, of course I wouldn’t want to show weakness, as she was relying on me. That’s what the neighbor are there for, to look after each other’s back. So, I had to do, what ever needed to be done to rescue the situation, yet I did not know what to do or where to begin? Can you imagine?
Even, the police plan and strategies their approaches. So, who am I to jump just like that, in a moment of seconds to become a hero. Yes, I understood, it's my neighbors. And everybody needs a good neighbor. But, what about my safety and those of my family? Of course I wanted to show an act of bravery and care, but the risk at hand was unpredictable and far beyond my capability.
Another concern that added more pressure during my struggle to help my neighbor was the thought of her thinking that I am not doing enough to help her. I was concerned that she might be thinking that I am ignoring her and that she will be upset with me for not handling the issue promptly. Who knows what she was thinking at that moment. I had to tap my head to think and think faster, before anything happens that could endanger both of us.
Secondly, I was worried that even if I have to call the police, what will I tell them, or will I tell them that my neighbor thought, she saw someone in her yard in a broad daylight? Wondered if that could have make sense. Or would it be better to keep the issue to ourselves until we get the clarity of what we were actually dealing with? Or would that have been perhaps late as the intruder could have overpower us by then?
While, I was moving in circles not exactly knowing what to do, the phone rang and it's Jane again. Helllo, I am calling to let you know that my tenant has just arrived, so it will be fine. Oh, okay thank God. What a relieve. I exclaimed !
Now my concern was, what if the tenant did not arrive in time? What should I have done as a caring neighbor, a parent and a responsible citizen of my country in that moment of seconds not to regret the aftermath. Then, a thought crossed my mind again. A criminal would not just wake up and enter any property in a broad daylight without having monitored and having investigated who stays there, when do they leave the premises and at what time do they come back? And also, will not embark on a criminal activity without having weapon(s) in his position or any other form of preparation to protect and defend himself.The saddest reality here is my neighbor will never know what I went through in trying to help her. All the inner struggles and torment I endured in that moment, all by myself, to come to her rescue, that could have shown my caring heart and a consideration of a good neighbor.
Lack of experience in such incidents, really lead me to do a lot of blunders at a very wrong and crucial time. I am so ashamed of myself, but likely no one knows about this. I remained a super hero in my neighborhood where everyone runs to, when they need help.
If you were in my shoes, what could you have done? Please share your view. It can be of a great help to the next person.