Law have no mercy

By : Aunty Mouna

· Living in the moment with Verny R

Dear Little children

Law have no mercy, what applies to one applies to all. When you positioned yourself as a law-offender, justice awaits you around the corner. Now you should know that there is another higher law then the world's law, overlooking from above, and those are the Universal Laws/Spiritual Laws.

At times we commit crimes, immoralities, engaging in unethical behaviours, thinking that no one is seeing us. That is so wrong, for all powers are at work, looking down on us from the unseen wo,rld. The Creator of the universe is looking down on us, while at the same time, dweling inside our heart, listening to what we are crafting and devising in our heart, before we even carry out our evil or good plans. He is already aware of it.

Secondly, the one who came to steal, kill and destroy is looking at us as well, intensifying the pressure that is causing and driving us to do evil, so that he can get legal access to use and destroy us.

Thirdly, the universe is witnessing, waiting for what comes out of our mouth and our actions, so that it can bring it to pass accordingly. For, it is written, there is power in our toungue, Proverb18;21.

Little children, awake and take head. You are not alone in this world. You move and operate amongst the forces of the unseen. I want to give you an example, believe it or not, I may tell you about the Law of Gravity today. It does not matter if you believe it or not. You may reason, how it came into being or how scientifically you would want to know in details how it operate. The truth is according to the Law of Gravity, what goes up comes down. Now without any delay - without any scientific experiment. Simply pick up an object, throw it in the air and see it if it will not come down. That's how it work, with all other universal laws. You may not see or understand how they work, but they are at work.They are laws, and tresspassing them, you may not escape the consequences of tresspassing or disregarding them, dear little children.

Example; let us take an example of this law. Do to others as you would like to be done unto you. Others says, what goes around comes around. No scientific evidence, but practical evidence is undeniable. You can never do wrong to others, without experiencing the wrath from your own actions or the taste of your own medicine.

Dear little children, we've lived long enough and we had seen these things unfolding infront of our naked eyes. Take head.